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January 8, 2021

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iNews Highlights: FiReStarter Venafi Completes $1B Financial Round, Yet More Predictions, and more
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More Newsfor T.A. McCann How Seattle startup studio Pioneer Square Labs spun out 25 ideas in 5 years —…
Posted on Fri Jan 8, 2021, 12:09 am
The flywheel is spinning at Pioneer Square Labs, the Seattle startup studio formed five years ago by a cadre of Seattle’s leading angel and venture capital investors. In the course of a six-month ..
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More Newsfor Jonathan Littman How to Go Full Entrepreneur in 2021
Posted on Wed Jan 6, 2021, 4:01 am
Ready or not, entirely new challenges will confront you in 2021. It’s time to go all-in, to go full entrepreneur. When the world suffers a cataclysmic disruption, entrepreneurs see opportunity ..
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More Newsfor Peter Byck Ranging change
Posted on Mon Jan 4, 2021, 7:51 pm
If there were ways to produce food with improved environmental outcomes, it would be worth doing everything possible, from education to incentives, to help farmers adopt the methods. That’s the aim of …
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More Newsfor Edy Liongosari Pandemic Jumpstarts 2021 Digital Transformation
Posted on Mon Jan 4, 2021, 8:00 am
and inventory observations a priority for many companies,” Edy Liongosari, co-chair of the Industrial Internet Consortium Thought Leadership Task Group and chief research scientist at Accenture Labs, ..
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