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Patent #9,886,506

More Newsfor J. Craig Venter Human Longevity’s Largest Study of Its Kind Shows Early Detection of Disease …
Posted on Mon Jan 27, 2020, 12:18 am
Genomics and metabolomics associations revealed 5.1% of heterozygous carriers with phenotype manifestations, affecting serum metabolite levels, suggesting that some genetic carriers may not be ..
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More News for Yi Cui New Soft, Stretchable Battery Invented to Power Wearable Electronics
Posted on Sun Jan 26, 2020, 8:21 pm
In lab tests, the experimental battery maintained a constant power output even when … Hongping Yan, Kai Liu, Xiaodong Chen, Yi Cui and Zhenan Bao, 26 November 2019, Nature Communications.
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FiReSide NYC

Spy vs. You:
What Every CEO Needs To Know

Register now for FiReSide NYC on April 23, an intimate dinner and conversation with John C. Demers, Asst. Attorney General for National Security, on how to protect your IP

Learn more at

More Newsfor Peter Lee Microsoft Health Exec Calls For More Transparency Of Patient Data
Posted on Sun Jan 26, 2020, 12:29 pm
Peter Lee, corporate vice president of Microsoft Healthcare, wants to make sure patients have access to their healthcare records. Lee, speaking with CNBC, said he wanted to follow the general trend …
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More Newsfor Eliot Peper An Interview with William Gibson
Posted on Sun Jan 26, 2020, 10:26 am
ELIOT PEPER: What is Agency’s origin story? How did it evolve from the first glimmer of an idea to the book I’m holding in my hands right now? How did events change the shape and direction of …
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