Strategic News Service announced the establishment of its FiRe Films Team this week, which is dedicated to assembling a tool kit and establishing a world-class network to help filmmakers create and distribute world-changing documentaries.

Each year the FiRe Film Team will select a pair of world-changing films, which will be showcased at Strategic News Service’s annual Future in Review technology conference, and which will benefit from the support of the Film Team’s networked community of industry leaders, promoters, and supporters. Through meetings and workshops, the FiRe Film Team will work with filmmakers to build audience, raise funds, create global awareness, distribute their films, and support these work of the films beyond completion.

“We’re very excited to be helping documentary filmmakers create and distribute films that educate audiences about important global issues,” said Sharon Anderson-Morris, Chair of the FiRe Films program. “Their unique blend of storytelling, visuals and data make documentaries important drivers of social and environmental change.”

FiRe-adopted films for 2012 include Midway, still in its creation stage; and Chasing Ice, a film about National Geographic photographer James Balog’s mission to change history by gathering a multi-year photographic record of the world’s changing glaciers, which is now focused on release and distribution.

“I feel delighted and honored to have Midway chosen for FiRe’s support,” said Chris Jordan, Cinematographer and Director of Midway. “Many thanks to all for joining this adventure.”

An annual gathering of world-class thought leaders in technology and economics, FiRe’s attendees convene each year with the goal of using technology to solve major world problems; a goal that is consistently met through FiRe’s collaboration across disparate industries and through active support by the FiRe community. While FiRe has consistently screened films that highlight and address solutions to emerging global problems, this is the first year that it has committed itself to supporting these films throughout their lifecycles.

Now in its eleventh year, Future in Review 2013 will take place May 21-24th at the beautiful Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, California. The Economist calls FiRe “the best technology conference in the world.

For more about FiRe, go to