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More Newsfor Tim Brown Why T-Shaped Teams Are The Future Of Work
Posted on Fri Aug 28, 2020, 2:30 am
While generalists know a little about a lot of subjects and I-shaped employees are experts in a single area, a T-shaped person is a subject-matter expert in at least one area and knowledgeable or …
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More Newsfor Elon Musk Elon Musk confirmed a Russian national tried to bribe a Tesla employee with $…
Posted on Thu Aug 27, 2020, 10:29 pm
The DOJ accused a Russian national of offering $1 million to an employee to install malware. Elon Musk confirmed the employee worked for Tesla.
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More News for Yi Cui EnerVenue Launches with $12 Million in Funding to Bring Aerospace-Proven Meta…
Posted on Wed Aug 26, 2020, 8:21 pm
A zero maintenance and lower cost alternative to lithium-ion batteries, EnerVenue has discovered how to make metal-hydrogen battery technology available to large-scale stationary energy storage …
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More Newsfor Yousef Khalidi Microsoft and 5G: How MSFT is Paving the Way for its Future
Posted on Wed Aug 26, 2020, 5:45 am
Microsoft has been working on integrate and enhance its cloud, edge computing, and IoT capabilities with 5G technology by entering into partnerships and acquisitions. “5G opens new frontiers with …
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