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More Newsfor Vint Cerf Radio Corona, May 5: Vint Cerf, internet pioneer and covid-19 survivor
Posted on Mon May 4, 2020, 2:40 am
In this episode of Radio Corona, Gideon Lichfield, editor in chief of MIT Technology Review, will discuss the future of our connected world with Vint Cerf, one of the people known as a “father of the …
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More Newsfor Yousef Khalidi Azure Edge Zones: Microsoft’s Plan to Dominate Edge Computing and 5G
Posted on Sun May 3, 2020, 11:09 pm
Yousef Khalidi, corporate VP for Azure Networking, says the strategy is to build a “global computing infrastructure substrate.” ..
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More Newsfor Steve Daheb Why Oracle has much better security architecture and performance than AWS
Posted on Sun May 3, 2020, 9:35 pm
Its generation 2 cloud infrastructure, with built-in security to mitigate threats, eliminates human error through autonomous and machine learning capabilities …
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More Newsfor Sheryl Connelly Ford’s chief futurist on consumer behavior in a post-pandemic world (Episode 40)
Posted on Sun May 3, 2020, 2:00 pm
Ford’s Sheryl Connelly on how COVID-19 could influence our attitudes and actions, forever change the mindset of Generation Z, and spark a return of the trusty road trip. Apple Podcasts: “Shift: A …
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