2014 Predictions Luncheon with Mark Anderson

TAGJoin us on January 17th for our 10th annual and highly anticipated Predictions Luncheon. TAG is honored to welcome back Mark Anderson, noted speaker and technologist, to review his 2013 predictions and then once again turn his keen predictive eye toward two different horizons – one economic, one technological. Mark’s 10-year, publicly graded accuracy rate is over 93%

Mark is a frequently sought speaker at corporate meetings and conferences around the world, and he provides top-level strategic reviews for management teams. His long-running weekly newsletter, Strategic News Service (SNS), counts a stellar readership, including the likes of Michael Dell, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Mark regularly comments on CNN TV, NPR, the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Wall Street Review and the New York Times. He chairs the annual FiRe Conference and SNS Project Inkwell.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Mark’s Top 10 Predictions for 2014!