Nuance, Plantronics & Attensity: Taking Voice Digitization Beyond Words

With Peter Mahoney, CMO, Nuance Communications; Cary Bran, Senior Director, Innovation and New Ventures, Plantronics; and Kirsten Bay, President and CEO, Attensity Group; hosted by Stephen Socolof, Managing Partner, New Venture Partners

Peter Mahoney: Nuance has much broader world-view than voice recognition and voice synthesis. They are reinventing the relationship between people and technology. Motion, gesture, context, personalization are all required for smarter systems.

Carey Bran: Plantronics is focused on letting developers integrate into their audio devices, which can be fed into speech recognition technologies; enabling technologies and integrating more and more sensors to enable easier, more intuitive experiences.

Kirsten Bay:  As sentiments move into digital, sentiment is lost. The future is being able to reintegrate sentiment into digital.