“Documentaries and the Corporate World: Uniting for Global Challenges”

Moderated by:  Sharon Anderson Morris, Managing Director, FiReFilms

Filmmakers in Attendance:

-Roger Ressmeyer, Director and Producer, Visions of Tomorrow

-Robert Stone, Director, Pandora’s Promise

-Josh Tickell, Producer / Director of FUEL and PUMP!

-Louie Schwartzberg, Founder, Moving Art

The breakout session highlighted the current projects of four distinguished filmmakers that have been in attendance at FiRe.  As the session began, they went around the room and each filmmaker explained who they were, what passions and issues drive them as a filmmaker, and segments from their current works were shown.  Topics covered included environmental issues such as the future of nuclear power, America’s addiction to oil, the role of mushrooms in our ecosystem, in addition to a visionary project about the power of positive thinking and it’s role in shaping our future world.

After the intro presentation from each of the filmmakers, a robust discussion began about the types of films and issue trends that the participants in the room would like to see addressed in future films.  Issues identified included the commoditization of human beings in the international slave and sex trades, the growing economic, political, and social gaps that are surfacing and causing issues in the developed world, and continued emphasis on global warming and climate change.

Key Takeaways from the session: