Digitizing Cancer

With Leroy Hood, President, Institute for Systems Biology; hosted by Mark Anderson.

Hood’s Institute for Systems Biology has established a new way of thinking about health and medicine he calls P4. It is …

“How has systems medicine [P4] been transformational?”

“In the future,” Hood says, “we’re really going to push the idea of wellness in a way we’ve never pushed before.” That will mean longitudinal tests over the course of our lifetimes that monitor changes in our blood and an increased focus on the quantified self.

FiRe 2013 attendee Roger Ressmeyer took this photo of Leroy Hood with his gene sequencer for TIME Magazine in 1986.

FiRe 2013 attendee Roger Ressmeyer took this photo of Leroy Hood with his gene sequencer for TIME Magazine in 1986.

There are some challenges and questions here:

“You can’t be defeated by the naysayers,” Hood advises. “It’s that conservative, small-minded view of things that you just have to have the confidence to say, ‘You’re wrong.’”

He waits a minute. “Sometimes you just have to wait for the wise old birds to die off.”