SNS Future in Review Names Independa a FiRe 2012 FiReStarter

Strategic News Service is proud to announce that Independa, Inc. has been selected as a 2012 FiReStarter company to be featured at its 10th annual Future in Review (FiRe X) technology conference. FiReStarter companies are selected based on their potential to bring positive change to the world, and are showcased during the conference both at an exclusive investor reception and in panels throughout the event.

Independa provides the leading Integrated CloudCare platform for organizations, professionals, and caregivers to enable care recipients to live at their residences longer, safer, and more comfortably. The company integrates a wide range of technologies, using devices from a standard touchtone telephone in the care recipient’s residence to touchscreens, computers, and wireless sensors. Features include medication and event reminders, support calls, exception-based health monitoring, the ability to enter health measurements, and recording of life stories. The caregiver has a real-time view of the recipient’s status, along with multi-modal alerts. Solutions for social engagement and for health and safety are also integrated, enabling single-touch access to the Web, games and puzzles, shared photos, video chat, Facebook, email, and daily and medication calendars; and bio-telemetry, environmental, and activity data related to the elderly person and his or her residence. Independa enables organizations providing healthcare and caregiving to abstract the hardware involved and leverage a single platform to manage disparate devices and technologies.

“We are thrilled and honored to be selected as a FiReStarter Company. Our planet’s ‘Future in Review’ must include a discussion on how we plan on managing our elderly, efficiently and yet with great dignity, over the next many decades. This is a significant global challenge, and an equally large opportunity, which Independa is addressing. To be recognized for our unique approach, centered around the integration of many devices and the critical benefits of our all-in-one holistic solution suite, is particularly meaningful coming from Mark Anderson,” said Kian Saneii, CEO of Independa.

Future in Review is an annual gathering of world-class thought leaders in technology and economics. FiRe attendees convene each year with the goals of providing the best look forward in technology and economics, and in using technology to solve major world problems. These goals have been consistently achieved through FiRe’s collaboration across disparate industries and through active support by the FiRe community. Now in its tenth year, Future in Review 2012 will take place May 22-25 at the beautiful Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, California.

“This year, FiRe X is focused on ‘The Power of Integration,’ and nowhere is this demand more evident than in healthcare. Independa has made this a hallmark of its innovative approach to extended healthcare, unifying the services and products that patients really need, on platforms they understand. This is a terrific contribution, and guide, toward the proper path for healthcare systems in the future. We are honored to have Independa as a FiReStarter Company at the Future in Review Conference,” said Mark Anderson, FiRe Chair and SNS CEO.

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