“Operation Enduring Care”
A Conversation with Sloan D. Gibson, President and CEO, United Service Organizations (USO); and Louis “Chip” Weil III, Member, Board of Governors, USO, and Chairman, President, and CEO, Central Newspapers Inc. (Ret.); hosted by Don Budinger, Chair and Founder, The Rodel Foundations
SG: USO is building two brand new veteran centers to help them rehabilitate.
When wounded warriors return, they want to get back into service, but USO helps amputees with physical recuperation. When they return, they’re fighting a different enemy — despair. Trying to make the transition back into a healthy life.
#1 request from wounded warriors and their families is continuing education. American Management Association, Georgetown, and others have offered up their services.
We’re not doing enough to care for those with PTSD and traumatic brain injury.
We will all be dealing with these damaged individuals and their families, who are necessarily harmed.
Using Wii for physical rehab and Kinect for PTSD treatment.