Cynvenio Biosystems Selected as a 2011 Firestarter Company
Strategic News Service is proud to announce that Cynvenio Biosystems, Inc. has been selected as a 2011 FiReStarter company, to be featured at its annual Future in Review (FiRe) technology conference. FiReStarter companies are selected based on their potential to bring positive change to the world, and are showcased before, after and during the conference, both onstage and at an exclusive investor reception.
Cynvenio’s technology is aimed at substantially improving the treatment of cancer patients via the comprehensive molecular analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) present in their peripheral blood and collected with a simple blood draw. The information derived from this “liquid biopsy” can inform physicians about disease progression or recurrence, patient resistance to treatment, and to formulate a targeted therapy for each patient.
“Up to now CTC platforms have been primarily concerned with finding and counting CTCs, which are certainly very rare and challenging to isolate. Our approach from the onset was to develop a system capable not only of efficient CTC isolation and enumeration, but to also provide the molecular characterization of the target cells. This allows cancer researchers and physicians to make clinically relevant decisions about their drugs and their patients,” said Cynvenio Biosystems’ CEO and Director, André de Fusco. “In the future this technology has the potential to become part of the standard of care for its ability to validate cancer therapies, reduce adverse reactions in patients, and increase the efficacy of cancer treatments.”
Future in Review is an annual gathering of world-class thought leaders in technology and economics. FiRe attendees convene each year with the goal of solving major world problems; a goal that is consistently met through FiRe’s collaboration across disparate industries and the intellectual and strategic guidance of FiRe Chair and SNS CEO, Mark Anderson. Now in its ninth year, Future in Review 2011 will take place May 24-27th at the beautiful Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, California. The Economist has called FiRe “The best technology conference in the world.”
“Cynvenio is pursuing another branch in the most productive anti-cancer path we’ve seen, which is to use the body’s own cells in the fight. In this case, they are assuring deadly accuracy against the cancer itself. We are proud to highlight their work, and look forward to future successes,” said Anderson, FiRe Chair and SNS CEO.
To register, and to see the draft agenda, go to