Breakout Session: Securing Privacy

The problem is that there is no such thing as a bill of rights for the consumer, and we haven’t come to the point where we have established a legitimate attempt to define the rights of the consumer. This is a political question by nature.

The difference in anonymous information and personal identifiable information requires a different standard of control that should be dependent on how sensitivity of the consumer, and what’s sensitive should be dependent on the perspective of the beholder. Anonymized data can still lead to the leaking sensitive material through third party observation of indiscriminate advertising. The research over the last ten years has shown that there is no such thing as not personal identifiable information in today’s world.

There exists a commercial opportunity in which you put people in control of their data through the development of a new system that makes allows for true autonomous browsing by preventing user leaks of targeting parameters to the operator.

The level of certification required to operate within a number of currently enacted programs can be considered extensive. If we applied the same level of stringency to all outlets, then it is possible to offer a ubiquitous certification and in doing so increase efficiency and potentially increase web consumer security. The regulators don’t seem to focus on transparency as much as control

Essentially there could be the ability to create a self-employed “do not call list” via opt in strategies.

“Do not track headers are a front runner for a top down mandate. This creates an opt in world that if done right will optimize information flow.” – David Brin

The subject of self-regulation of anonymous browsing  really doesn’t matter until it has governmental support.

Intellectual property should be treated more like patent rights rather than property rights.

“Users should have the tools to assert control on who has access to their content in the long term.” –Steve Sprague wave systems.

We need some very fundamental tools that enable the identification of consumption information, both visible and invisible.

“The pragmatic model….”do not track” will result in a crash of web publishers and a loss of billions of dollars of advertising leading them to have to choose between re-vamping target modeling or the introduction of in opt in wall which will circumvent the do not track and lead to further information exploitation by existing businesses.” – Simeon Simeonon.

it is absurd that the internet is being funded by advertising…its a public space. This could be solved with a micro payment system that will result in a world of empowered users.