“The Future of Telecommunications: Building Services on Bandwidth”
with Doug Junkins, CTO, NTT America; and Erez Yarkoni, CIO, T-Mobile USA and Member of the Deutsche Telekom Group IT Leadership Team; hosted by Larry Smarr, Director, Calit2 Laboratory, UC San Diego and Irvine
“We don’t need to have any obstacles to innovation on the internet”
NTT has been responsible for building backbone for reliable bandwidth supply.
Appliances connected to the internet will provide users with data about their energy use, allowing them to monitor and manage their own costs and usage.
Currently, there isn’t enough spectrum out there to deliver enough cell signal.
Vast increase in numbers of users and applications on cell networks mean it is still a very scarce resourse, even with upgrades. This is a huge area for innovation.
Media is currently consuming most of the bandwidth. Every 5 months data usage in the wireless network doubles.
Most carriers are looking at LTE in N. America. but it takes time, spectrum, massive capital investments, etc.
When will the ecosystem start balancing itself? It doesn’t come for free– a lot of wireless strategy is to offload to wifi or broadband in the home
Industry is spending a lot of money on it
No one should be relying on wireless completely from a broadband perspective.