Mark Hurd w. Mark Anderson

After leaving HP, got calls to repair other peoples’ companies.
Oracle is completely the opposite of that. “Oracle, strategically, was in such great shape that it gave me the opportunity to be in a position I hadn’t been in before.

I believe that the industry is all about IP. IP drives the industry and oracle is in a position to have the beest IP stack”

Mark: Theres a challenge between being tempted to let it go and keeping customers happy.

Hurd: Now the second largest app developer in the world and hope to improve that. Now a full sue of software across every problem and see new areas for foraging.

There’s an pop for us to integrate massive sets of IP and try to integrate that into specific solutions for customers; moving from a database company to applications and vertical applications.

“our objective is to go provide solutions. . . . It is a platform that we think has extensibility and scale.”

Great technology. Great people, love to make it easier to access Oracle’s tech and people.

apps: SAP,
databases: Microsoft, IBM

Anderson “Oracle is such a large

“Cooperation is part of the industry.
Oracle makes products, uses other partners to provide customer service.

Wall street estimates oracle will do a littl less than 40 billion in revenue. Released more technology at oracle over the world than a company will probably ever release at one time.

But much of that was done
Oracle will spend over 4 billion in RD this year; more organic technology out of Oracle, consolidation of the industry, Oracle will participate.

“Oracle is a technology company to it’s core. IT’s a product company to its core. . . . Ithink we’ll be focused on RD”

When you look at software and hardware, are they intended to be sold and wedded together?

30 years ago, the industry was vertically integrated, then disintegrated over the last 10 years. So you’re getting databases, applications, servers, etc from a wide variety of sources. There is no one accountable for customer service

We believe there will be a move back toward vertical integration that will be a significant one. “”
Oracle will continue to bring homogenous solutions that apply to various target markets.

talking about issues or opportunities “People tend to insert the word cloud and that’s going to be the answer and the opportunity. . . The cloud, basically just somebody else is doing it.

People tend to see the cloud as the be-all, end-all, but it could be anything.

Even in the cloud, we have to solve problems.

Anderson: Deep trend toward virtualization in major data centers.

Hurd: Companies want to minimize their investment in IP that just keeps business going. Continued movement towards innovation to keep maintenance costs down.

IT industry will move toward vertical integration.

HP had 87 data centers and 750 applications to run the business. Had 100 different ways to dispatch parts. Fused processes into 1 to simplify suite of servers, infrastructure tools, employees.

MUST get processes right. “To get the whole answer, you’ve gotta get the whole business fused together”

Anderson: Once you get the consolidation done, you can relate more to your consumer. When do you start using supercomputers to ask these companies questions.

Hurd: “we got trained to deal with bad customer service and they’re not” of the coming consumer age.

“Transformation isn’t just about servers, it isn’t just about data centers, It’s about applications”

Q: What’s your version of enterprise and consumer?

A: “There are certain secular trends we wont change: urbanization, mobility, constant desire for data.

More business will be done through social networking and e-commerce; it will be up to corporations to handle customer service through any device I want to use.

“It’s up to us to get these legacy apps transformed.”

The world’s gotta get simpler. Company Sectors will fuse as things become more mobile.

How will security change?
“I think it’s going to get worse, not better.” The attacks are growing in timing and sophistication.
Govt made Keith Alexander the head of anti

As we open ourselves up to more commerce, we’re becoming more vulnerable. Our view has to be, ‘Protect the data'” More consultants will show up to tell you how to protect yourself.

If we have a data attack, it will accelerate the speed of an industry in a big way.

“There are people that are coming, and they wan’t your data.”

Is it possible to do a step-function improvement in security

You’ve got to transform those environments. THink about security from the inside out.
“Application by application, prioritize where your most sensitive data is and those sources need to thoroughly encrypted.”

Is there a gold standard?
Oracle doesn’t tell customers they’re going to secure them. Security thieves will find another way in.
No holistic standard today; only point products. Oracle will try hard to set that standard.

What do you see in 10 years?
Ubiquitous ip capability that is accessible across the planet. Oracle is very focused on being a problem company.

Anderson: Oracle is the landscape in data base driven applications.

Hurd: The market is going to transform in terms of security, and We’ve got to be the player that helps make that happen.

Larry is the head rd guy at Oracle. He is active, and driving RD. It’s paid off and I don’t think there’s going to be any elf-off”

Anderson: Oracle will be more and more discussed.

Hurd: In the end, where’ve got to be all about customers.