Fiber Optic Networking Pioneer Black Rock Cable to Take The Stage at FiReGlobal : West Coast
FiReGlobal : West Coast is proud to announce that Black Rock Cable has been selected as a FiReStar company to be featured at the FiReGlobal : West Coast conference. FiReStar companies, both local and global, are pre-selected based on their potential to bring positive change to the world. These companies will be showcased throughout the conference, and at a FiReStar reception, during which local and global investors will be given the chance to meet company officers. Past FiReStar companies have included Tesla Motors, CytomX Therapeutics and Serious Materials.
Black Rock builds, owns and operates its own fiber optic network in Northwest Washington. With fiber optic connections, businesses and organizations can access unprecedented levels of bandwidth and networking services that significantly enhance their operations. Access to fiber is a strategic asset for any business and a vital resource for communications in the communities they serve.
“We are excited about taking metro fiber to the next level by mixing it with newer wireless technologies and pushing it out to residential customers in our territory,” said Bob Warshawer, President of Black Rock Cable.
The FiReGlobal : West Coast conference will take place November 11th at the Seattle Fairmont Olympic Hotel. It is the second annual regional version of the renowned Future in Review™ global technology conference, which The Economist calls “the best technology conference in the world.” FiReGlobal : West Coast will showcase a world-class gathering of local and global thought leaders in technology and economics through a series of interviews and onstage conversations. In a move beyond other tech conferences, FiReGlobal : West Coast has overlaid regional problems nominated by local leaders, to be solved through the collaboration of local Chief Technology Officers prior to the conference.
“Black Rock has served as a leader in its region in providing glass nearly everywhere. By creating a local provision option for bandwidth, Black Rock has opened the door for those in its territory to join the 21st century, while most of America remains behind. We hope that by showcasing Black Rock’s achievements, others will realize the value, to all sectors of the economy, in finding local bandwidth solutions, instead of waiting for national monopolists to provide half solutions,” said Mark Anderson, CEO of SNS, and Chair of FiRe and FiReGlobal : West Coast.
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