FiReStarter Winner!

FiRe attendees voted and the winner of our FiRe 2010 Audience award is FiReStarter company, NeuroRepair.

Congratulations from the entire FiRE 2010 team!

NeuroRepair Inc.

NeuroRepair Inc., in cooperation with researchers at the University of California-Irvine School of Medicine, has developed what is likely the world’s most advanced technology for repair of neurological damage, an endeavor heretofore generally thought hopeless. NeuroRepair has a highly effective, non-invasive procedure that stimulates a massive proliferation, migration, and differentiation of new neural cells that can replace those lost to stroke, injury, or disease. NeuroRepair is the sole owner of this intellectual property and has several pending patent applications. The company has no outside shareholders or investors and no debt. Its research has been privately funded by the founder.

logo Participating at FiRe:
Matthew Klipstein, Founder and CEO (Speaker)
James Fallon, Chief Science Officer (Speaker)
Karoly Nikolich, Science Advisory Board Member
