BBC Global Business: Here comes 2010

From BBC Global Business:

In Global Business this week Peter Day is in conversation with Mark Anderson, CEO of Strategic News Service(SNS).  In what is becoming a ‘Global Business’ tradition Peter Day learns some of his Top 10 predictions for 2010 and looks back at how successful last year’s predictions were.

About this programme by Peter Day

The USA is a nation which sort of invented itself, so it is not surprising that in American life there is a huge almost religious belief in the onwards and upwards progress of technology and invention; if it gets us into a global mess such as pollution, then high tech innovation can also get us out of it, that’s the assumption.

Mark and I discussed whether this faith in the progress of technology is not slightly misplaced. Maybe we should seek other aims for humanity after the huge disruption caused by the Credit Crunch?

Maybe we should rein in our appetites, be modest about our aspirations, forswear global travel, go local and seasonal in what we wear and eat? Maybe the upwards and upwards assumptions about technology are wrong?

Well, I could not get Mark to agree with me about much of that; he has a technology minded audience. But so, for that matter, does this programme Global Business.

It makes you wonder what – if anything – we will learn from the first great global economic crisis of the 21st century. And whether technology has any thing to do with it

Listen now (25 min)