The First Obama Congressional Speech

Without going into detail, I believe that this speech was so well-constructed that, regardless of the GOP’s (and, reputedly, Speaker Pelosi’s) desire to continue partisan politics, Obama may have such a strong connection to the American people that he will just drag the doubters along behind him, on the way to success.  Imagine having been given so many losing cards, and playing such a breathtaking hand.  In obvious ways, this was the most impressive political action in the last few decades.  This president really does have the courage to hope.  If what I have heard is correct (and John McCain seemed to confirm it later this evening on Larry King), he will need to have a sit-down soon with Speaker Pelosi, who may be living in a world of payback, at a time when the president wants cooperation.

Tonight’s was the most thoughtful and eloquent speech I have heard in at least eight years, if not much longer.