The Remaking of the News

We think we have found a new way to receive, partcipate in, and appreciate the news.  Here is the release we sent out this week to describe it:

Contact: Sally Anderson

Tel: 206-634-2719

Fax: 206-675-8456





FRIDAY HARBOR, Washington, August 19, 2008 – The Strategic News Service, publisher of the leading global technology newsletter (, has announced the launch of a new, patented approach to news creation, delivery, and response: SNS® Interactive News™.


SNS iNews™ flows directly from any global news generated by top thought leaders in technology, medicine, alternative energy, and other advanced scientific fields. This thought leader group consists of all past speakers at the company’s Future in Review (FiRe) conference, named by The Economist “the best technology conference in the world.”


In addition to receiving news about people known to be working on great things, subscribing participants can immediately “blind-email” other newsmakers with comments and suggestions, and otherwise personally and immediately participate in news events, essentially in “real time.”


The result is a continually refreshed daily digest of international news and blogs – delivered not in the usual one-way stream, but representing the first step in a dialog with others about real projects in today’s news.


“This is what Silicon Valley should have done with the news 10 years ago,” says SNS CEO Mark Anderson. “Now it is participative and useful to all involved. Readers are no longer passive psychological victims, and newsmakers get immediate top-level feedback.”


The international newsmakers in this stellar group currently include CEOs, Nobelists, and other “inside” players: Michael Dell, Ray Ozzie, Mitch Kapor, Elon Musk, Barry Diller, Burt Rutan, Pat Gelsinger, Paul Jacobs, Mark Hurd, Robert Hormats, Lee Hartwell, Craig Venter, James McCarthy, Larry Brilliant, Stewart Brand, Vinod Khosla, Azim Premji, Craig Mundie, Matthew Szulik, Dave Weiner, Helen Greiner, Bruce Sterling, Sidney Rittenberg, Sol Trujillo, Amory Lovins, Dan Gillmor, Kim Stanley Robinson, David Brin, Larry Smarr, and hundreds more. 


“Imagine that you see a news item about Michael Dell releasing a new product line at 9am,” Anderson suggests. “At 9:05, you’ve written to him suggesting an added piece of software that perfectly fits what he is trying to achieve. Everyone wins, and the nature of the news has changed. It is truly interactive.”


Users can also access biographies and photographs of these thought leaders, and relevant FiRe audio, video, or transcripts, prior to communicating their own thoughts, to help ensure that their input is useful.


“SNS iNews™ will first change how the news is distributed, then how people feel about the news, and finally, what news is,” says Anderson, who cited this year’s FiRe conference “mantra” as an inspiration for the creation of SNS iNews: “It isn’t about problems, it’s about solutions. It isn’t about tomorrow, it’s about now. It isn’t about them, it’s about us.”


SNS iNews begins here: Membership required.




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Strategic News Service, SNS Interactive News and SNS iNews are registered international trademarks.

