One to One Learning

Although states and countries have embarked upon this path, there are still many people who do not know what this term means. It’s simple: learning in a classroom setting in which each student has his or her own computer.

My friend and venture capitalist Sim Simeonov made some statements and suggestions about this subject in his most recent blog, and I thought this might provide a chance to highlight this important subject. Sim’s comments are here:

As many of you know, SNS Project Inkwell has been working on this problem for several years; you can learn more about this effort at

Perhaps the first thing we learned does indeed confirm almost all of Sim’s comments: one to one computing can indeed provide a revolution in learning and teaching, but high likelihood of success is only achieved through appropriate training of teachers.

Although I have no doubt that improvement of curriculum is also critical, we understand at Inkwell that this will likely only come in large scale after we have achieved distribution of a large enough installed base of users for curriculum providers to pay attention and make serious investments.

Even so, it appears that properly trained teachers, when given the chance to teach students in a one to one environment, can achieve great things, even as the curriculum is improving. There are probably several reasons for this: 1) students in 121 often learn based on projects, doing their own research on the Net or in class; 2) students in 121 benefit from More teacher private time than those in non 121 classrooms; 3) teachers are more aware of individual student problems and learning needs in 121 classrooms; and 4) students have the opportunity to both learn in their own ways, and to go at their own (often quicker) pace, in 121 classrooms.

Many US and global leaders are extolling the need for a revolution in education today, while this revolution is already under way, and, essentially, happening under their noses.

There is no black magic involved in this process, nor is there an undue dependence upon technology per se; what we are learning at Inkwell is that these machines are enablers that allow students to learn more than their teachers often know, at a pace often beyond their teachers’ ability to take a whole class. This is not surprising, but, since it is happening for the first time in history, it is certainly revolutionary.

Those, like Gov. Angus King of Maine, who have pioneered and/or witnessed this approach, and the subsequent very positive responses from both teachers and students, know that is is not just a move for improved education in their states, but the most important step they can take in improving economic development for their region, state or country.

If you are interested in learning more about one to one or SNS Project Inkwell, please contact Inkwell CEO Bruce Wilcox, at