Immigration vs. Globalization

It strikes me that an inordinate amount of time, print and thought are spent on the “new” (not) phenomenon of globalization, while very little time (and less quality of thought) are devoted to immigration. More important, the links between them are essentially ignored, even though they spring from exactly the same sources.

Migration, or immigration, is really the story of the last decade, perhaps even more than increased global trade. People from all over the planet are picking up their few worldly belongings and voting for economic success with their feet.

Why is this happening now, and why in such great numbers? I’d love to read a great book on this, if it exists. Some projections show Western Europe going majority Islamic within the next 10-20 years. Mexico and Central America (and much of S. America) have contributed 30-40 million new U.S. residents in the last few decades. Poles are moving to the UK, Chinese are moving to Russia (in the far east, for land), and in short, it seems as though, just a few years ago, everyone without whatever they needed just picked up and moved.

Is this the effect of mass media? Modern transport? I think it remains the (relatively) untold story, that makes global trade look almost unimportant in comparison. After all, you can stop trading with Country X tomorrow. But what if you become Country X?