Welcome to the SNS Blog
Many of you are aware that I’ve been writing weekly Strategic News Service (www.stratnews.com) newsletters on the Net for more than 10 years now, but this marks my first attempt at blogging. Please excuse any mistakes as we ramp up from 0 to 60 in the first few weeks. With your help, it will get better over time.
I wouldn’t start this if I didn’t think there were good reason to do it. My hope is that these posts will include ideas, predictions and analyses of the technology world which others will find both useful and not generally available elsewhere, leading to collaborations, new ideas, and productive discussions. SNS is historically about tested accuracy, and tempered optimism, and I hope that those two rivers may find a happy mix in this new effort.
We are also known for our occasional activism: for example, our Project Intelligent Response led to the creation of a 300-page book on how the U.S. could use technology against terror, which I was able to hand-deliver directly to members of the Senate one month after 9.11. And we were probably the first to describe the Enron fraud in California and Washington, and to spread the word.
I encourage anyone with an interest to post their own thoughts. By doing so, you are providing us reprint rights here and, when it seems appropriate, in our other publications, unless you state otherwise. If you would like to exchange links, please contact sally@tapsns.com.
Mark Anderson
Publisher, Strategic News Service