CTO Design Challenge Working Session “Saving the Planet by Capturing Carbon”

LS: Greg’s work with colleagues at Carnegie Mellon actually changed clean air act in CA.

Separating ecological and engineered approaches.

Engineered solutions

Oceans, which cover 3/4 of the surface of planet earth, capture about 1/2 of yearly CO2, which leads to ocean acidification. Humans are emitting at a scale that is truly astronomical and they’re going to double that.

Classic carbon capture

When it takes energy to calculate offsets, we have to include that in our calculations.

GM: Real opportunity here to educate the community at large about what to think about

What lens should we be using?

Tom Malloy: Pretty difficult problem to solve this year; perhaps more different than we’ve had in the past. Perhaps we should explore some existing routes first, to understand what’s lacking and how to deal with weaknesses.

LS: I’d like to find out what amount of forest it would take to soak up 5-10 gigatons of carbon a year.

Ty Carlson: Actually, it would be great to develop a table to develop a set of existing relationships between CO2 absorption devices and the amount of CO2 soaked up.

Eric Openshaw: We need to scale up and generate message and enthusiasm to allow us to scale.

To offset their lifetime emissions, a person would need to plant 3 hectares of land with trees.

TC: Would love to have a palette of solutions that would allow a person to make a difference where they live.